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  • Tags: 1980s

Unidentified student. Interior appears to be room known as the "Black Hole" for its all-black walls. View is east, facing away from the main circle. The Greek statuary remains in the new SB Dorm as of 2017.

Erik Mueggler DS80, stacks hay from the elevator onto the flatbed truck. Appears to be on field #2.

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DSSB portrait in old boat at the dump, no identifications

Multiple alumni gathered for group portrait on front porch of main building. L-R

Peter Rock DS86 stands atop feed truck after delivering hay to feeders in the bull pen. Date uncertain, but likely 1987.

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Members of the DS faculty, staff, and student body gather infant of main building, winter 1986. First row, L-R David Arndt DS84, Dan Fulwiler DS85, Stephen Longmire DS85, Barbara Newtown (faculty), George Newtown (faculty), Jeanette Pope, unknown,…

Unidentified student fallen asleep while studying amidst pile of books in the main room. Ruby, the SB dog, lies next to him. Date is uncertain, but likely late 1980s.

Unidentified student playing piano in the main room. Date uncertain but circa late-1980s.

Abigail Breiseth, daughter of DS president Chris Breiseth & Jane Breiseth, working in dairy barn, circa 1983.

This image was taken from the Space Shuttle, mission STS41G. The JPG (b) is the overall image, the TIFF (a) is a detail of the Deep Springs area

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