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ucp033-004 Steward monograph 1933s.pdf
An extensive (350 poages) monograph describing the Owens Valley Paiutes, including maps and photogreaphs

Persons include (left to right) Rich Haynie DS56, Dave Hoople DS56, John Schaefer DS56, Ray Randolph DS55, Bill Jensen DS56, Tom Twyman DS56, Bill Hoffman DS56, Bill Turpin DS55, Al Glathe (philosophy professor with broken arm), Ed Keonjian DS55,…

Dean Sarah Stickney of Deep Springs College inquired about past DS Summer Sessions, and I wrote about two pages based on what I knew.

(1) email from David Cole DS45 to John Dewis DS94; (2) Interview with Edwin Cronk

Barney Childs was a well known avant garde composer, and was leaving his position as Director of Deep Springs in mid-1969. Jim Horning DS69

Articles include -- Message from the Fund Raising Committee by Ken Mahoney - Trustee Chairman's comments by Erik Pell - 1988 Donor List by anon - Estimate of Fund drive requirements by anon - President's Report by John Ure Anderson, Jr.

Articles include -- Withrow Week, a seminar for the whole student body by Jon Edson - A new perspective on science at DS by Bob Clark - Presidetn's Report by John Ure Anderson, Jr. - Request for science alumni to help organize Museum collections by…


Articles include -- Community Break by anon. - Gayle Jones, a Man for Deep Springs by anon. - The President's Report by Brandt Kehoe - Last Year's Class by anon. - Let's keep our eyes on the ball by Robert B. Aird - Report of the Labor Commissioner…


Articles include -- 1988, the first coed TASP, foot-in-the-door notion dismissed by Matthew Healey - Buzz Anderson Next President by anon - News for the Ranch by Jonathan Pease - Norton Dodewge Taches Money by Matthew Healey - Carla brings Latin…
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