Browse Collections (22 total)
Walter Balderston Collection

Deep Springs photos
Contributors: Denis Clark
Telluride Association Collection
Images and documents held by Telluride Association
USGS online collection

Online images at the USGS Denver library, usually describing geological features, but also showing geography, including human activity
Kroch Collection

Many boxes of documents stored on the Cornell Campus and available in the Kroch collection
Contributors: various
Denis Clark Collection

Digitized photos taken by Denis Clark
Contributors: Denis Clark
Peter Guth Collection

scanned slides from Peter Guth DS69
Contributors: Denis Clark DS69
Ray Huey

images scanned from Ray Huey photo albums 1961-1963
Contributors: Ray Huey
DEC organized collection

organized from a box of loose photos, May 2015
Contributors: Denis Clark
Harvey Mansfield Collection

Photos taken by Harvey Mansfield DS21, during his student years 1921-24
Contributors: Denis Clark
Halvorsen Collection

Photos donated to the DS Archive by Bjorn Halvorsen
Contributors: Bjorn Halvorsen