a - left to right Herb Reich DS17, H. Burtis Ritter DS18, Cabot Coville DS18, Carlyle Ashley DS17, Walter Welti DS17 - b - Cabot Coville DS18, H. Burtis Ritter DS18, Walter Welti DS17, Katherine Bailey, Carlyle Ashley DS17
Class portrait on the Main Building steps - actually this spans more than the title implies, including students from the classes of 1919, 1920, and 1921, including Henry Hayes DS20, John Davenport DS21, Charles Schaaff DS20, Don Falconer DS20,…
Si Whitney DS19 sits against the vertical face of the Druid, as have we all - see 17DEC0140 for Harvey Mansfield in a very similar pose a few years later
a - Duke Gottard (carpenter) and cook (probably Slim Quigley) act matrimonial - note road sign giving mileages to Big Pine and places far beyond - b - c - signs painted on the rocks along Westgard Pass.