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  • Tags: faculty

FBI agent Sullivan's report of an interview with William E. Fort, Deep Springs President, whose paranoid anticommunist activities plagued DS in the late 1950s, a recent email explaining the Freedom of Information Act source, and a Wikipedia entry…


Earline and Randall Reid at a gathering at their house in Reno, after leaving Deep Springs

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Portrait of the community on the Main Building porch, including LL Nunn in slippers - some names missing from the caption, which include Pfander, Koten, Jim Holmes DS17, Dean Thornhill, Donald Falconer DS20, Jack Laylin DS20, John Davenport DS21, M.…

Brad Vaggy DS22, Garth Winslow DS21, Professor Sloane, probably on Westgard Pass road

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2 images of TDS and faculty member Paul Cadman and his bride at newly constructed Upper Ranch buildings

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Faculty member Bill Burginon horseback

Leonard Loomis DS73, Rolf Schelander DS74 (Falstaff), and faculty member David Schuman rehearsing a production of Henry IV, Part 2

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Leonard Loomis DS73, Cam Smith DS74, Chris Campbell DS73, JoAnn Smith (music teacher), E. Reid, Michael Fields DS74, Pat Schrock, Gerry Saucier DS73

Carlyle Ashley, Merril Wrench, Otis Whitecotton, Burgin, Edward Meehan, Stein, Harvey Gerry around campfire at Scotty's Death Valley Ranch, all DS17 except Burgin, faculty

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Burgin (faculty) and Otto Suhr (engineer in the Nunn system, later Director of Deep Springs) at a campfire at Scotty's Death Valley Ranch


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