The Slim Princess operated on a narrow-gauge railroad between Keeler CA and points east of Lake Tahoe from the late 1800s until about 1960. Many generations of Deep Springers traveled to and from school on this train.
A Christmas gathering in the Main Room, including Walter Welti, Herb Reich, Jim Holmes, and Cy Ross (DS17), Julian Steward, Burtis Ritter, Cabot Coville, and Merril Wrench (DS18), Si Whitney, Eric Newcomb, and the Dann twins (DS19), Mrs. Baily and…
a - left to right Herb Reich DS17, H. Burtis Ritter DS18, Cabot Coville DS18, Carlyle Ashley DS17, Walter Welti DS17 - b - Cabot Coville DS18, H. Burtis Ritter DS18, Walter Welti DS17, Katherine Bailey, Carlyle Ashley DS17
DSSB trip to Death Valley, posed at Badwater, includes Paul Carroll, John Hudson, Don Noel, David Burleson, Clifford Ghames, Ernie Tucker, Russ LaRose, Jim Barkenquist, Steve Rabin, Brandt Kehoe, William Waina, Chuck Steensma