Browse Items (238 total)

  • Collection: Denis Clark Collection

Late afternoon sun illuminates the flagpole, since removed for athletic events, and lawn mower

Denis Clark DS69 leads a string of horses away from the Horse Barn

View out the front door from the Main Room, sprinklers in background


Peter Wakeman DS69 in front of the Main Building, after some heavy pruning on the elm trees

Unknown family returning from the Lower Ranch with harvest from the garden

a - (l to r) unknown, possibly a visitor, Jo Balachowski (son of faculty Joseph Balachowski) being tackled, Brice Eggleston DS69, Sterling Lacey DS69, possibly Dick Howard DS69, Andy Fairchild DS67, possibly John Sender DS69, Dennis Farr DS68, Jan…

a - (left, f to r) Bruce Eggleston DS69, Jan Vleck DS69, Bill Kralovec DS68, Mike Huston DS68, Bill Mack DS68 in red shirt, Joel Hyde DS67 in headband, (right) Dick Howard DS69 - b - (l to r) possibly Jan Vleck DS69, Bruce Eggleston DS69, Dick Howard…

a - area above upper sand trap after flood, b - repaired sand trap

a - Jeremy Rabkin and Mark Crawford, 1969 TASPers, clear flood debris from a small culvert under the entrance road - b - uncropped image from which (a) was taken

After the flood, the highway department plowed the mud and debris to the side of the road, view looking SW
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