Students and trustees in joint meeting (most likely in Museum classroom, judging by the skylight). Background Stephen Noll DS64. Foreground L-R Doug Von Qualen DS64, Robert Aird DS21 (director), Dave Brubaker DS65.
Students and trustees in joint meeting (most likely in Museum classroom, judging by the skylight). From L-R Michael Stryker DS64 (standing), Jeff Klahn DS63, Harold Waldo (trustee), Chris Breiseth (TA President at the time), Charles Gilbert DS27…
a-g (b missing); a. Salt works evaporation ponds; c. Salt works tramway, Saline Valley end; d. Salt works tramway Owens Valley end and bucket near peak; e. construction of tramway and map of route; f. tramway at peak elevation at Inyo crest; g.…
Wright was an acquaintance of LL Nunn's via Albert M. Johnson, and visited Deep Springs. Mechanic Martin Sachse asked him to design a house for him, which Wright did. It was never built. a - front elevation b - plan view