See annotated image for names, which include Hal Sedgwick DS62 , Dave Mossner DS63, Eric Schneidewind DS62, Ken Hovey DS62, Danny Ihara DS64, Mike Stryker DS64, Hugo Blaisdel DS62, Steve Oliver DS63, Steve Noll DS64, Tom Drew DS63, JR Getsinger DS64,…
Upper (L to R) Lincoln Bergman, Hale Prather, Darwin Berg, David Pace, Dick Broadhead, Robert Gay, John Hoskins, Paul Kemp, Ken Odell, Roger Seiler, Don Attwood, Giles Rafsnider, Brendon Bass, Roger Rugeroni. Lower (L to R) Christopher Kleps, Phil…
Top Row L-R: Don Attwood DS61, Lincoln Bergman DS61, Hal Sedgwick DS62, Eric Schneidewind DS62, Ken Hovey DS62, Roger Fraser DS62, Ray Diggle DS60. Middle L-R: Condit Van Arsdall DS61, Ray Huey DS61, Hugo Blasdel DS62, Ken Odell DS61, William Hensel…
Clockwise from left: David Brown DS80, Vincent Delaney DS81, Jim Geringer DS80, Jahan Sharifi DS80, Kurt Gilson DS80, David Welle DS80. Stakes were penny-ante. Note that smoking was permitted in the building in those days.