A Christmas gathering in the Main Room, including Walter Welti, Herb Reich, Jim Holmes, and Cy Ross (DS17), Julian Steward, Burtis Ritter, Cabot Coville, and Merril Wrench (DS18), Si Whitney, Eric Newcomb, and the Dann twins (DS19), Mrs. Baily and…
The Slim Princess operated on a narrow-gauge railroad between Keeler CA and points east of Lake Tahoe from the late 1800s until about 1960. Many generations of Deep Springers traveled to and from school on this train.
View from bottom of Circle towards the west. Everyone was talking about how dry it was and hoping for rain, but the water season was nearly over and finished at about 1/3 of normal.
I was driving from Idaho to Deep Springs, having delayed my trip a day because of a storm moving across northern Nevada. a - Clouds on east slope of Ruby Mountains south of Wells, b - northern Hot Creek Range. c - southern Hot Creek Range - d…
Describes LL Nunn's early days, the development of his power companies, and the culmination of his educational efforts in Telluride Association and Deep Springs