A paper by Charles Walcott, USGS Director, Secretary of the Smithsonian, and associate of LL Nunn, describing his field work in the Deep Springs area ca. 1895
a-g (b missing); a. Salt works evaporation ponds; c. Salt works tramway, Saline Valley end; d. Salt works tramway Owens Valley end and bucket near peak; e. construction of tramway and map of route; f. tramway at peak elevation at Inyo crest; g.…
This book was published by Telluride Association shortly after LL Nunn's death in 1925, in an attempt to summarize the philosophies of the institutions. It went through several editions. A number of interesting early photos of Deep Springs.
Stories are told at Deep Springs of White Mountain City, near the mouth of Wyman Canyon, and its involvement in voter fraud. This authoritative article by Daniel Pritchett DS71 suggests that story is a myth.