a - faculty member Jeff Lustig belays Ray Jeanloz DS70 on the lower part of Clyde Minaret; b - Ray Jeanloz DS70 rappels; c - Clyde Minaret (named for climber Norman Clyde); we didn't make the full ascent, just did some rock climbing on the lower…
Joseph Balachowski's first-year Russian class, 1970-1971, clockwise from left, Bruce Sauls DS70, possibly Jeff Moore DS70, Mr. Balachowski, possibly Michael Murphy DS70, probably Mahmoud Heidari DS70, Paul Patterson DS70, Bruce Eggleston DS69
Rod Robertson DS46 taught some drama courses, including performing a Brecht play on the front porch; in picture from below, people include Bill Sullivan DS70 (facing away from camera), Mike Quinn DS70, Rod Robertson, Stan Hilchey DS69, and Michael…